Please Read All Policies before purchasing. We do our best to strive for perfect customer satisfaction and want to ensure there is no miscommunication about any of our guidelines or procedures. Your business is extremely important to us and we guarantee to be a 100% reputable business with a customer first mentality. So please purchase with complete confidence that you will be getting a quality product backed by a company who cares.
We will process all orders within 1 business day of payment. Not all items ship on the same schedule. Most items will ship within a week from purchase date unless noted otherwise. A tracking number along with the shipping provider will be supplied for all orders.
We guarantee all products to be new and free from all defects. Please inspect items when received to be free of any physical damage before installing them. This includes but is not limited to the screen and the screen ribbon. We ensure all items through shipping for the full value. There are no refunds on any shipped items. Exchanges only. A 100% refund will be given only for any orders that are canceled prior to being fulfilled. All items are inspected to make sure the serial number matches and there is no physical damage to the unit (unless communicated prior to installation). Physical damage to units should be noted within 1 day of delivery and prior to installing to receive an exchange product. A damaged unit will be a rare instance as we go through great lengths to properly protect all products prior to shipping. If your product isn't functioning we will send a replacement only and there will be no refund given. So if your are ordering a screen please make sure your screen isn't under warranty before ordering and you are prepared to replace it. There will be no exception to this policy. If you have any further concerns in regards to returns or product gaurantees, please feel free to contact us. Your business and satisfaction is extremely important to us. Thanks.
A 100% refund will be given without question for any orders prior to shipping. Once an order has shipped it will fall under the refund policy.